Change the settings of the application (not the spreadsheet settings) as follows:

First/Last Name/Initials: kostas / goutoudis / kg

and make the formulas visible.


Automatically fill in the cell range A5:A110 using the pattern appearing in the cell range A3:A4.


Select the cell range Â1:Ê9 and set it as print range.


Sort all data of the Competiton1 worksheet firstly by Salesman then by District and lastly by Total. All fields should be sorted in ascending order. Then format the Total field so that the cells containing a value less than or equal to 1000 are displayed in style Heading1.


Automatically adjust the width of the second (B) column and the height of the seventh (7) row of the active sheet.


Insert a new worksheet after the SALES worksheet and before the 2ndhour2 sheet and name it SALES 2003.


Rename the sheets of the active workbook as follows:

Sheet1: Income

Sheet2: Expenses

Sheet3: Total

Insert the value 1000 in cell A1 of the Income worksheet.

Insert the value 500 in cell A1 of the Expenses sheet.


Display the difference between the value appearing in cell A1 of the Income worksheet and the value in cell A1 of the Expenses worksheet (NOT 1000-500), in A1 cell of the Total worksheet.


If a cell value in Income or in Expenses worksheet changes, the value displayed on the Total worksheet should change as well.


Set the order of the sheets as follows:

1) mySheetFor2004

2) mySheet2

3) mySheetFor2005

4) mySheet1.


Correct the error of the formula in cell D20 of the 2ndhour2 worksheet.


Given that sales equal to beginning pieces + supplies - end pieces - destroyed pieces, enter a formula in the cell range F7:F9 that returns the sales for each product.

Enter a formula in the cell range H7:H9 that returns the sales value in Drachmas and use the result to calculate the sales value in Euros in the cell range I7:I9. (the euro-drachma exchange rate is provided in cell G2)


Reproduce the function of cell C9 to the cell range D9:K9 of the SALES worksheet.


Change the function in cell B4, so that the reference to cell A1 uses an absolute reference only by column.


Cell G9 displays the cost of the RAM memory in euros. Calculate the cost of the RAM memory in dollars in cell H9 taking into account the euro to dollar exchange rate displayed in cell E19. Then reproduce the formula in the cell range H10:H17.


Apply the appropriate date form to the cell range A1:A4, so that date is displayed as follows:


13. July 2013

July 13, 2013

07/13/13 12:00 AM


Aplly the following allignment-orientation in the active worksheet :

Cell Á1: rotation by 45 degrees,

Cell Á2: rotation by 270 degrees,

Cell Á3: rotation by 90 degrees,

Cell Á4: vertical orientation (vertically stacked)


Apply the following formatting to the active worksheet:

Cell B2: Outline border with a 1pt red continuous line

Cell B4: Right border line and bottom border line (both lines 5pt width, continuous and blue color). Then add a diagonal line from top-left to bottom-right (5pt width line, continuous and blue color)

Cell B10: Remove the background only.


Format the cell range A1:A10 so that numbers are displayed in Number category with a thousand separator, one leading zero and 2 decimal places.

Format the cell range B1:B10 so that that numbers are displayed in Number category without thousand separator, one leading zero and with 4 decimal places.


Format the cell range C20:J21 of the worksheet SALES so that at the right of the numbers the currency appears.


Set Sales per Product as title of the chart displayed on the 2ndhour2 worksheet.


Insert a Normal Column chart with 3D Look in the Contest2 sheet to display the sales of the four companies for August, as they appear on the SALES worksheet. Change the color of the columns to blue, the shape of the columns to pyramids and the chart perspective to 100.


Set the following fill effects in the active chart:

Fill type gradient: Linear yellow/brown.

The chart should not display any borders.


Change the color of the active pie chart as follows:

RAM Memory to black,

Hard Drive to red,

Screen to white


Enter the text Computer Sales (without the formatting) in the left area of the header of the SALES worksheet.


Format the 2ndhour2 worksheet so that the second row is automatically printed at the top of each page.


Set the margins of the active worksheet as follows:

Top: 1.5", bottom: 1.5"

Left: 1.0", right: 1.0"


Set the footer of the SALES worksheet so that the current date is printed on the left area. Also set the footer of the 2ndhour2 worksheet so that the current time is printed on the right area.


Insert the appropriate function in the cell range B1:B50 that rounds the values of column A to 4 decimal places. Insert the appropriate function in the cell range C1:C50 that rounds the values of column A to 2 decimal places. Insert the appropriate function in the cell range D1:D50 that rounds the values of column A to the left of the decimal point.


Use the appropriate function in cell C8 to display the value 198, if the cell C2 value is higher than or equal to 3000. Otherwise, the function will return the value 0.198.


Use the countblank function in cell B1 to count the blank cells in the cell range A1:A400.


Display the value data labels as percentage on the active chart.