Top align the contents of the cell E1.


Format the cell range C15:J15 to display a simple continuous line border on the top and bottom sides of the cell range.


Format the cell range C22:J22 so that the numbers are displayed with a thousand separator and without decimal places. If there are negative numbers, they should be displayed in red color without the negative sign.


Format the numbers of the cell range L5:L9 so that they are displayed as percentages with one decimal place.


Apply the appropriate date format to the cell range A1:A4, so that the date is displayed as follows:



June 13, 2013

6/13/13 13:20


Apply the following formatting to the active worksheet:

Cell A1: Font: Arial, Size: 22,

Cell A2: Font: Times New Roman, Size: 20,

Cell A3: Font: Arial, Size: 10,

Cell A4: Font: Times New Roman, Size: 14.


Apply the following formatting to the active worksheet:

Cell A1: bold writing,

Cell A2: italics,

Cell A3: underlined writing,

Cell A4: double underlined writing.


Apply the following formatting to the active worksheet:

Cell A1: Font color: red,

Cell A2: Fill color: Blue and Font color: Yellow,

Cell A3: Fill color: [T=Black, Text 1] and Font color: [T=White, Background 1],

Cell A4: Fill color: [T=White, Background 1, Darker 25%]

Cell A5: Pattern style: [T=thin vertical stripe], using background color: [T=White, Background 1] and pattern color: [T=White, Background 1, Darker 25%].



Copy only the formatting of the cell range A1:A5 and paste it to the cell range D7:D11


Apply the following alignment to the active worksheet:

Cell A1: to the center of the cell (horizontally and vertically),

Cell A2: to the top left corner of the cell,

Cell A3: vertically in the center and horizontally to the left,

Cell A4: horizontally at the center and vertically at the bottom.


Merge the word Title in the cell range A1:D1 and apply center alignment.


Aply the following alignment-orientation in the active worksheet:

Cell A1: rotation by 45 degrees,
Cell A2: rotation by -90 degrees,
Cell A3: rotation by 90 degrees,
Cell A4: vertical orientation (vertical text)


Copy the formatting of the cell C2 and paste it in the cell B2.


Apply the following border format to the active worksheet:

Cell B2: Outline border, thickest continuous line

Cell B4: Upper and bottom double thin line

Cell B10: Clear the outline border as well as the diagonal lines.


Apply the following formatting to the active worksheet:

Cell B6: Outline border with a thin red continuous line

Cell B8: Right border line and bottom border line (both lines thick, continuous and blue color). Then add a diagonal line from top-left to bottom-right (thick line, continuous and blue color)

Cell B10: Remove the pattern and the background.


Format the cell range A1:A10 so that numbers are displayed with a thousand separator and 2 decimal places (use the Number category).

Format the cell range B1:B10 so that numbers are displayed without thousand separator and with 4 decimal places (use the Number category).


Format the cells A1:B10 so that numbers are displayed with a thousand separator, with 2 decimal places and in the default currency of the system (use the Currency Category).


Copy the formatting of the cell range A1:E5 and paste it to the cell range G1:Ê5.


Apply text wrapping to the cell A1 and unwrap the text appearing in the cell B1.


Remove any formatting from the cell E3.


Change the font to Arial at the cell A1 of the active worksheet.


Apply double line style borders on the top and bottom at the cell B4 of the active spreadsheet.


Apply White, Background 1 fill color to the cell A4 of the active spreadsheet.



Format the cell range C22:J22 so that the numbers appear with a thousand separator and without decimal places.


Format the cell range C20:J21 of the worksheet SALES so that the currency symbol appears at the right of the numbers.


Apply center (horizontal and vertical) alignment to the contents of the cell A1 of the active worksheet.


Rotate the contents of the cell A1 by 45 degrees.


Format all borders of the cell range B5:J9 with a single continuous line of automatic color.