Apply centered alignment to the paragraph of the text Thessaloniki 54645


Change the indentation of the first line of the paragraph which begins with the phrase INFOWhat is the only computer school... to 0,25".


Find the paragraph Programs. Then change spacing after paragraph into 13pt and spacing before paragraph into 10pt.


Apply centered alignment to the paragraph which begins with the text It has been suggested that the origins of rebetiko...


Apply justified alignment to the paragraph beginning with the text It has been suggested that the origins of rebetiko...


Apply right alignment on the paragraph beginning with the text It has been suggested that the origins of rebetiko...


Adjust left indentation of the paragraph which begins with the text It has been suggested that the origins of rebetiko... to 1"


Adjust right indentation of the paragraph which begins with the text It has been suggested that the origins of rebetiko... to 1"


Apply left indentation at 0,5" and right indentation at 1" to the paragraph which begins with the text It has been suggested that the origins of rebetiko...


Set first line indentation in 0,5" to the paragraph which begins with the text It has been suggested that the origins of rebetiko...


Adjust the Hanging indent of the paragraph beginning It has been suggested that the origins of rebetiko... to 1".


Adjust the spacing between the first and the second paragraph (spacing after) to 12pt.


Adjust the spacing between the second paragraph and the previous one (spacing before) to 6pt.


Adjust the line spacing of the second paragraph to exactly 18pt.


Apply double line spacing to the second paragraph.


Apply justified alignment to the second paragraph, indentation of the first line in 0,5", line spacing in 1.5 lines and adjust spacing from the first paragraph (spacing before) to 10 points.


Navigate to the first paragraph, find the text Several others made a reference to these songs and create a new paragraph beginning with this text.


Delete the blank line between the paragraphs From the establishment of the neo-Hellenic state... and To be continued on www.rebetiko.gr...


Navigate to the second cell of the first column of the table displaying the text INFO-start. Insert a Manual Line Break after the word INFO- and before the word start.


Navigate to the second cell of the first column of the table displaying the text INFO-start, insert the change of paragraph special character after the word INFO- and before the word start.


Navigate to the beginning of the second page, on the paragraph beginning Outlook: sent and receive... Delete the mark which divides the text into two lines.


Insert a page break in the blank line after the image.


Select the second paragraph and apply Dark Yellow shading fill.


Apply left alignment to the paragraph which begins with the text It has been suggested that the origins of rebetiko...


The total appearance of our text is affected by….


In order to increase the space between 2 paragraphs, it is preferable to...