Use the current document as letter form. Use the recipients file saved in the IL-ates\Word folder on your desktop, as recipient list.

After the text Dear Madame insert the field Surname. Merge it in a new document and save it as Emails to the IL-ates\Word folder on your desktop.


The document has already been defined as a letter. Set the colleagues file saved in the IL-ates\Word folder on your desktop as a recipient list. There is an entry with the following data: surname Lambropoulou and name Vaso. Change the name to Vasiliki. After the text Dear Madame insert the field Surname. Then merge this document into a new document and save it as letter on your desktop.


Set the worksheet Teachers from the list.xlsx file saved on the IL-ates\Word folder on your desktop as recipient list and complete mail merging in a new document for all recipients.

Before completing the mail merge, insert a field to display Dear Sir followed by the name of the recipient, if the recipient is male. In every other case the field will display Dear Madame followed by the name of the recipient. Do not close the new document.


Complete mail merge on a new document under the name WOMEN and save it to the IL-ates\Files folder on your desktop. Letters are addressed only to women coming from Germany. Apply ascending sorting by student Surname.


Complete mail merge on a new document and save it as SPAIN to the IL-ates\Word folder on your desktop. Letters are only addressed to students who come from Spain and have paid an amount of more than 200.


Complete mail merge on a new document and save it as birth_date to the IL-ates\Word folder on your desktop.

Letters are only addressed to those who were born after 01/01/1980 (field DATE_). Apply ascending sorting by COUNTRY.


Complete mail merge in a new document named Sven that you will save in the IL-ates folder of the desktop. Navigate to the record Peter Franken and change the student name to Sven. The letters should be addressed to MALE students from Germany only.


Define the current document as Letter type. Use the Students file as recipient list. You will find it in the IL-ates\Word folder on your desktop. Insert the field STUDENT_NAME on the right of the text Dear.

Merged documents are addressed to those who come from UK and display a value higher than 200 in the AMOUNT field or to those who come from Germany and display a value higher than 200 in the AMOUNT field. Complete merging in a new document, and save it as UK-GERMANY at the IL-ates\Files folder on your desktop.


Complete mail merge on a new document and save it as new_students at the IL-ates\Files folder on your desktop.

Letters are only addressed to those who aren’t clients yet and display a value after 01/10/1980 in the field DATE.


Define the current document as Letter type. Use students file as recipient list. You will find it in the IL-ates\Word folder on your desktop.

Insert the field STUDENT_NAME on the right of the text Dear. Merged documents are addressed only to MEN who live in France. Save the document as France in IL-ates folder on your desktop.


Use the worksheet students of the List spreadsheet saved in the IL-ates\Excel folder of the desktop to complete mail merging to a new Word document.


Insert a new entry:

student name: Pavlos

student surname: Tsakalidis

into the recipient list which is already linked to the current document. Then complete mail merge to a new Word document.


Navigate to the entry Hanna, change the surname entry into Montana and complete mail merging in a new Word document.


Sort the recipient list data by student name in descending order and complete mail merging in a new Word document.


Merge in a new Word document all entries of STUDENTS except for those who live in France or Spain.


Insert the client



on the recipient list and complete mail merging in a new Word document. Make sure you have sorted the recipient list by surname in ascending order.