Navigate to the slide titled WORD 2000-Presentation of some menus. Then change the paragraph spacing of the bulleted list placeholder (before and after) into 0.3pt.


Navigate to the fourth slide titled WINDOWS XP - Brief presentation of some functions/operations. Apply right alignment to the text of the bulleted list.


You can see a text box on the first slide of the presentation. Replace the text Word with the text Text Editing and the text Excel with the text Worksheets.


On the slide titled WINDOWS XP - Brief presentation of some functions/operations change the font of the first bulleted text into Times New Roman.


On the slide titled WORD 2000-Presentation of some of its menus change the font color of the entire numbered text which appears in the text box into RGB (245, 179, 0). (ignore the bullets color)


Navigate to the slide titled WORD 2000-Presentation of some of its menus. Then change the style of the bullet which appears before the text Format/Paragraph so that it is identical to the style of the first bulleted text Format/Font.


Enter the phrase 2002-2003 Sales in a text box at the bottom right part of the current slide. Make sure that the text box does not overlap the chart.


Change the font size to 20pt in all of the bulleted text boxes which appear in the current slide.


In the left bulleted text box which appears under the existing text insert the phrase New exams will take place at the beginning of the new semester next to a new bullet.


Select the first bulleted text in the right text box of the slide. Then apply italics and Black, Text 1 font color.


Insert any shape object at the bottom left corner of the current slide. Make sure that the entire clip-art object is displayed on the slide without covering either the title or any of the two text boxes. Then add a shadow on the whole text which appears in the left text box.


Change the case of the text which appears in the text box (not the title) into UPPERCASE on the first slide of the current presentation.


Change auto numbering into bullets in the text box of the slide titled WORD 2000 Presentation of some menus.


Undo all of the commands that may have been applied in the current presentation.


Repeat the last command three times (the opposite of undo).


In the right text box insert the following telephone number: 2310888771


Apply bold, underlined, italic, shadowed 40pt font to the text Sending and receiving electronic mail which appears on the last slide of the current presentation.


Apply lowercase font to the text box (not the title) which appears on the first slide of the current presentation.


Apply red font color to the words Seminars and program of the title of the current slide.


Remove the shadow effect from the title of the current slide.


Apply center alignment to the entire bulleted text of the 4th slide titled WINDOWS XP-Brief presentation of some functions/operations.