Fragen ID: 35 2/20

Type the text below, using Arial Font, size 12pt, bold and italics.



888th, V. Olgas

Thessaloniki 54645


Then leave two empty lines. Insert a 3 rows and 2 columns table displaying the following data:


TitleDurationINFO-start70 hoursINFO-advanced50 hours


The words INFO-start and INFO-advanced should be red. The words Title and Duration should be bold and italic.

At the end of the table insert a manual page break.


Insert the text Photos, center-aligned, bold and underlined on the new page.

Insert the photo tsitsanis.jpg, on the next line and align it in center.


Insert right aligned page numbers on the footer on the whole document.

Insert the text INFOWhat on the left part of the header.



Other versions
Microsoft Word 2003Microsoft Word 2007Microsoft Word 2010Microsoft Word 2013Microsoft Word 2016Google Docs




Type the text below, using Arial Font, size 12pt, bold and italics. 
888th, V. Olgas
Thessaloniki 54645
Then leave two empty lines. Insert a 3 rows and 2 columns table displaying the following data: 
TitleDurationINFO-start70 hoursINFO-advanced50 hours
The words INFO-start and INFO-advanced should be red. The words Title and Duration should be bold and italic.
At the end of the table insert a manual page break. 
Insert the text Photos, center-aligned, bold and underlined on the new page. 
Insert the photo tsitsanis.jpg, on the next line and align it in center. 
Insert right aligned page numbers on the footer on the whole document.
Insert the text INFOWhat on the left part of the header.