Save the current presentation as a template with the name mytemplate.potx to the IL_ates\PowerPoint folder of your desktop.


Create a chart similar to the one displayed at the top right photo. Then apply vertical blinds entrance effect advancing on a mouse click at a medium speed. Apply chart grouping by element in Category as in the chart which appears at the bottom-right.


Make sure the shape on the left is similar to that on the right. Apply orange background color, blue color on the mouse shape and yellow on the screen circle. Then remove the green border from the shape on the right.


Insert a new title slide into the current presentation. Type the text Report as title of the slide. Then make sure the first slide of the 3035 presentation that is located in the IL-ates\PowerPoint folder of your desktop, is displayed with a click on the title.


Open the 3040 presentation from the IL-ates\PowerPoint folder of your desktop. Navigate to the last slide and save it as bmp (3040.bmp) to the IL-ates\PowerPoint folder of your desktop. Accept the default settings.


Apply the white marble texture to the first slide of the current presentation.


Change the Fill color of the cube into red and make sure this is the default color of the new drawing objects.


Save the first slide of the current presentation in jpg format to the IL_ates\Files folder on your desktop as slide01.jpg.


Group the Drawing Objects which display the texts INFO start, INFO advanced and INFO professional.


Apply the Uncover Left effect, to the current slide only, to be automatically displayed with medium speed, 5 seconds after the slide is run.


Remove the third slide from the Word Customized Show.


Insert the 3191 presentation from the IL-ates\PowerPoint folder of your desktop right after the first slide.


Crop the image displayed at the bottom of your screen to hide the mouse. Then resize the image displayed at the top of your screen at 1,7" in height and 2,25" in width.


Change the connecting arrow between the objects TEST4U and preparatory into straight connecting line, the arrow begin type to no arrow and the arrow end type to arrow. Then delete the connecting arrow between the objects cert4u and video lessons.


Apply horizontal distribution on the three TEST4U logos (colored in grayscale) of the slide. The distribution should be aligned to the slide.