Create a new database on the desktop in the folder IL-ates\LO_Base with the name test.odb.


Close the current database.


Add the following records to the table Movies in the same order :



MATRIX Reloaded2003R70,00€

Love left2001R55,00€



Save the records.


Locate the record displaying the value MATRIX Reloaded in the MovieName field of the Movies table and change it to MATRIX REVOLUTIONS.

On the same record change the value of the RetailPrice field from 70.00€ to 80.00€. Save the record.


In the record displaying the value DARK CITY in the MovieName field insert the following values in the respective fields:

field: Audience, value: R

field: Retail Price, value: 100


Save the record.


Set an index that will not allow duplicates in the Description field of the open table and change the Required property to Yes. Save and close the table.


Create a new table displaying the following fields :

1st field: name: CopyCode, data type: BIGINT, AutoValue, primary key

2nd field: name: MovieName, data type: VARCHAR, Length: 50

3rd field: name: YearReleased, data type: BIGINT


Save the table as Copies and close it.


Modify the RetailPrice field in the Movies table to display values in 3 decimal places. Save and close the table.


Change the Price field format of the open table into currency. Save and close the table.


Create a one-to-many relationship between the CID field of the Customers table and the CustomersID field of the Rents table. Set update options to Update and Delete cascade.


Create a one-to-one relationship between the ID fields of the ProductsPhoto and the Products tables. Set the update cascade option but not the delete cascade option.


Delete the FormRents form.


Open the FormRents form and navigate to the record 123.


Use the open form to find the record that contains the phrase 791XV in the Description field. Then, change the value of the Price field from 50 to 1024. Save the record but do not close the form.


In FormProducts form apply a filter to retrieve only the records which display a product Price lower or equal to 1000. Do NOT close the form.


Apply a filter to the FormProducts form to retrieve only the records displaying Price values ranging from (including) 80 and 1000 and Descriptions beginning with DIRECTED. Do NOT close the form.


Remove the filter from the open table. Do not close the table.


In the current query insert the PC field after the Address field. Save and close the query.


Create a new query based on the Products table that will display the Description and Price fields only (in the above order). Save the query as q1 and close it.


Create a new query based on the Products table that will display the ID and Description fields only (following this order). Sort the Description field in ascending order. Apply a criterion to the Price field which will return records displaying values equal or lower than 10. Save the query as q1 and close it.


Apply sorting by Description in descending order to the FormProducts form. Do NOT close the form.


Create a report based on all fields of the AllCustomers query. Save the report as AllCustomersReport.


Delete the CustomersReport report.


Insert a field displaying the current date in the header of the already opened report. Do not close the report.


In the text box with the text ReportCustomers of the current report change the color of the text into Black.


Change the page size of the open report to A4 and print it.


Print the pages 3, 4 and 5 of the R_Products report to the default printer.


Create a new query named myprice that will display the average of the product prices displayed in the Products table. Use avgprice as name for the calculated field.


Apply the appropriate index to the Description field of the Products table that will not allow the input of duplicates. Save the table.


What is the purpose of creating a relationship between tables contained in a database?