Insert two text boxes in the footer of the ProductForm form. The first one will display the lowest value of the Price field of the records displayed in the form and the second one will display the highest value of the Price field. Save and close the form.


Insert two text boxes in the footer of the ProductForm form. The first one will display the average of the Price field values displayed in the records of the form and the second one will display the total number of the records in the form. Format the average value displayed in the text box in Fixed format with 2 decimal places. Save and close the form.


Create a new form, based on the OrdersProducts query and named OrdersProducts in tabular layout. The form will display the OrderDate, Description, Quantity and Price fields (following this order). Then create a form named Customers in columnar layout based on the Customers table that will display all fields of the table. Insert the OrdersProducts form as subform in the Customers form. Set the CustomerID as link field between the two forms. Save and close the form.


Insert a new text box in the ProductList form to calculate the price of the product multiplied by 1.19.

Select Euro as currency format. Insert a label to the form header with a caption to display the text Value with tax.

Save the changes to the form.


Change the tab order of Customers form so that the sex field is set next to last and the CustomerID field last.


Delete the text boxes which display the Name and Surname fields from the Customers form. Insert a new text box named FullName that will display Customer_Name and Customer_Surname with a space in between. The caption will display the text FullName.

Save the form.


Locate the CustomersFindPC form and make sure that the myRefresh macro is executed each time the pc_find text box changes.


Locate the Customers form and set the default view of the subform to Continuous Forms.


Show the page Header and page Footer of the open form. Save the form.


Insert the Price field in the current form. Save the form.


Navigate to the Orders form and apply limit to list option to combo box.


Locate the Detail section of the ProductForm form and insert a new text box without control source (Unbound).


Locate the Detail section of the ProductForm form and insert a new text box that will calculate and display the VAT from the VAT field, in percentage format with 2 decimal places. (e.g.19 -->19.00%)


Insert a new text box in the Detail section of the ProductForm form to display the VAT value of product's price in standard format with 2 decimal places.


Insert a new text box in the Detail section of the ProductsPhoto form that will calculate the size of the uncompressed photo in kB and will display it in standard format with 2 decimal places. To find the photo size in bytes use the Height*Width*3 formula.


Insert a new option button group in the Detail section of the Customers form and connect it with the Sex field applying the following labels: Male (value=1), Female (value=2). Set Male as the default option. Save and close the form.


Insert a new Combo box in the Detail section of the Customers form and connect it with the Sex field applying the following labels: Male (value=1), Female (value=2). Do not display the column containing values 1 and 2. Set Male as the default option. Change the label caption of the combo box to Sex. Save and close the form.


Locate the Detail section of the Orders form and insert a List box that will store values in the CustomersCode field. Display only the FirstName and Surname fields of the Customers table and apply sorting by Surname in ascending order. Also rename the label connected to the list box into Customers. Save and close the form.


Insert a combo box in the Detail section of the Orders form that will display only the Description field of the Products table in an ascending order and connect it with the ItemCode field. Also rename the label of the combo box to Products. Save and close the form.


Change the tab order of the Customers form as follows: Surname, FirstName, TelephoneNumber, Address, Area, City, PC. Save and close the form.


In the Customers form insert a check box that will be bound to the NewCustomer field. Enable the triple state property. Set the value Null to the Costas Goutoudis customer entry. Save the record.


Apply the appropriate changes to the ProductsPhoto form so that page number is displayed in the following format: Page 1 of 5, at the bottom part of every printed page.


Set the Orders2 form as subform of the Customers2 form instead of the Orders form.


The Customers3 form contains a button called Close. Make sure the macro CloseForm is executed when the user clicks on it.


Insert one more text box in the FormProducts form to display the double of the Price field value. Save the changes.


Apply the appropriate settings to the Customers form so that the msg macro is executed after saving a new record.


There is a combo box named Category in the Customers form. Insert a fourth option named Wholesale-Export Price

Save the changes.


There is a combo box named Category in the Customers form. Insert a fourth option named Wholesale - Export Price. Save the changes.


Create a blank form named StartForm. Insert a button to display the text Customers, which will open the Customers form and will display all of its records, when the user clicks it. Insert another button to display the text Orders, which will open the Orders form.


Change the Option Button of the Customers form to Check Box. Save the changes.


Insert a third option named Retail-Export Price in the option group of the Customers form. Change the type of all three options to Toggle Button.


Insert a button in the Detail Section of the ProductForm form displaying the text Report
The button should open the R_Products report in print preview. Save the form.


Insert a button in the ProductsForm form to display the text Question, to execute the PhotosJPG query. Save the form.