Λύση - Ερώτηση πολλαπλών επιλογών

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The recipient identified by the kostas@infolearn.gr email address will think he is the only recipient of this message. Only the recipient identified by the kostas@infolearn.gr email address will be able to know that the recipient identified by the despina@infolearn.gr email address has received the same message, too.
Only the recipient identified by the despina@infolearn.gr email address will be able to know that the recipient identified by the kostas@infolearn.gr email address has received the same message, too. Both recipients will be able to know who else has received the same email message.
Κωδικός ερώτησης: 10712 26/30

When the two recipients receive the following email message…one of the following situations will be true.



Άλλες εκδόσεις
Thunderbird 24Outlook ExpressWindows MailWindows Live Mail 2012




When the two recipients receive the following email message…one of the following situations will be true.