Λύση - Ερώτηση πολλαπλών επιλογών

Επιλέξτε 1 από τις 4 απαντήσεις

Sending copies of your files as attachments in email messages to a third person, whom you can trust. Creating a backup of your files in the hard disk of your computer on a daily basis.
Creating a backup of your files in a removable storage on a daily basis and keeping it at a different place from your computer. Saving copies of your files with a different name in the same hard disk where the original files are saved.
Κωδικός ερώτησης: 10811 4/14

Which of the following actions is best to create backup copies of your files?



Άλλες εκδόσεις
Microsoft Windows XPMicrosoft Windows VistaMicrosoft Windows 7Microsoft Windows 8Microsoft Windows 8.1Microsoft Windows 10




Which of the following actions is best to create backup copies of your files?