Λύση - Ερώτηση πολλαπλών επιλογών

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DIPLOMA_statsti.xls Year_2010_Tr3_Statistics_Company.xls
DIPLOMA_2010_tr3_Stat.xls 2010_3_Stat.xls
Κωδικός ερώτησης: 11790 21/23

Assuming you want to save the 2010 3rd trimester statistics of the Diploma computer skills certification body which is recognized by the Greek public sector. Which of the following names corresponds best to the good practice in file naming?



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Microsoft Windows XPMicrosoft Windows VistaMicrosoft Windows 7Microsoft Windows 8Microsoft Windows 8.1Microsoft Windows 10




Assuming you want to save the 2010 3rd trimester statistics of the Diploma computer skills certification body which is recognized by the Greek public sector. Which of the following names corresponds best to the good practice in file naming?