Λύση - Ερώτηση πολλαπλών επιλογών

Επιλέξτε 1 από τις 4 απαντήσεις

https:// is the transfer protocol and the diploma is the domain name https:// is the domain name and the diploma is the transfer protocol
https:// is the transfer protocol and the diploma is the end of the country https:// is the hyperlink and the diploma is the domain name
Κωδικός ερώτησης: 12549 40/41

At the website https://www.diploma.edu.gr



Άλλες εκδόσεις
Firefox 28Firefox 29Firefox 30Firefox 31Internet Explorer 7Internet Explorer 8Internet Explorer 9Internet Explorer 10Internet Explorer 11




At the website https://www.diploma.edu.gr