Κωδικός ερώτησης: 16 1/10

Select the 4 last rows of the table displayed on the Word document and copy them.

Íavigate to the Excel workbook and paste the data to the cell range E10:H13 of the first sheet.


Then use the data contained in the cell range E10:H13 to create a Clustered Column chart. Navigate back to the Word document, delete the existing chart and replace it with the chart you have just created.


Save the Word document using the name summary.doc in IL-ates\Files folder on the desktop, attach it to a new email message with the subject Chart and send it to the sales@infolearn.gr address.



Άλλες εκδόσεις
Microsoft Word 2003Microsoft Word 2007Microsoft Word 2010Microsoft Word 2013Microsoft Word 2016




Select the 4 last rows of the table displayed on the Word document and copy them.
Íavigate to the Excel workbook and paste the data to the cell range E10:H13 of the first sheet. 
Then use the data contained in the cell range E10:H13 to create a Clustered Column chart. Navigate back to the Word document, delete the existing chart and replace it with the chart you have just created.
Save the Word document using the name summary.doc in IL-ates\Files folder on the desktop, attach it to a new email message with the subject Chart and send it to the sales@infolearn.gr address.