Display the sales of the Della company in the cell Â8 of the vlookup worksheet, with the use of the function vlookup. You will find the sales of the company in the SALES worksheet. Then reproduce the function up to the cell B12.


Display the representative of the Della company in the cell B8 of the hlookup workbook using the hlookup function. Representatives of companies are displayed in the SALES worksheet. Then reproduce the function up to the cell G8.


Use the Lookup function to display in the cell C20 the value of the Column C that corresponds to the letter of the Column A, according to the letter displayed in the A20 cell. The table range is A1:C18.


Format the cell range B1:B10 so that numbers are displayed with 4 decimal places and a thousand separator. Then insert the appropriate function in this cell range to display the difference in days between the date in column A and the current date and time.


Insert the appropriate function in the cell A1, to return the current date and time. Insert the appropriate function in the cell A2, to return the current date and time increased by 4 days (+ 4 days). Insert the appropriate function in the cell A3, to return the current date and time increased by 365 days (+ 365 days).


Insert an appropriate function in the cell E2 to return the date for the values of the cell range A2:C2. Reproduce the function in the cell range E3:E11.


Insert an appropriate function in the cell C3 to return a date using the year appearing in the cell C2, the month appearing in the cell Â3 and the 1st day of the month. Reproduce the function in the cell range C3:G14 using the same pattern.


Use the function date(), to insert the date 9 July 1968 in the cell C5.


Insert your birthday date in the cell A1. Insert a function in the cell A2 that always displays the current date. Insert a function in the cell A3 that displays the number of the days you have lived. Format the cell A3 in Number category with a thousand separator and without decimals.


Navigate to the cell A8 and insert there a function that returns the word Loss, if the income is less than expenses. Otherwise, the function returns the difference between income and expenses.


Use the appropriate function in the cell C8 to display the value 198, if the cell C2 value is higher than or equal to 3000. Otherwise, the function returns the value 0.198.


Navigate to the cell A8 and use the appropriate function to calculate how many cells are displaying numbers within the cell range A1:A6.


Navigate to the cell B10 and use the appropriate function to display the text YES, if the price of the item SCREEN is less than 115. Otherwise, the function returns the text NO.


Navigate to the cell E11 and display the total of the cells displaying numbers in the cell range E6:E9.