Create a one-to-many relationship between the CustomersCode fields in the Customers and Rents tables. Enforce the referential integrity and make sure cascade updating and deleting records are enabled.


Delete the relationship between the Rents and Terms and Conditions tables.


In the Customers table insert a new field named sex in Short Text data type and set field size in 50. The user will be able to choose between Male or Female only. Save and close the table.


Delete the main module.


Insert a new text box in the footer of the report that will display the total of records.


Modify the current query so that it displays only the FirstName and PC fields of the customers whose PC begins with 54. Save and close the query.


Create a new report which will be based on the query r_orders in which all the fields will appear. Grouping level based on the field CustomersCode. Ascending ordering according to Description, with summary of sum of the field TotalValue and sum of the field Quantity (show detail and summary without percentage calculations). Set the orientation of the report to Landscape. Save the report under the name r_orders and close it.


Create a new form, based on the OrdersProducts query and named OrdersProducts in tabular layout. The form will display the OrderDate, Description, Quantity and Price fields (following this order). Then create a form named Customers in columnar layout based on the Customers table that will display all fields of the table. Insert the OrdersProducts form as subform in the Customers form. Set the CustomerID as link field between the two forms. Save and close the form.


Change the tab order of Customers form so that the sex field is set next to last and the CustomerID field last.


Create a new query that will display all fields from the Products table and all records where the Description field value:

- begins with Viper and

- contains the letter V followed by 3 numbers.

Use the like operator only once. Save the query.


Insert a new text box that will calculate the total of the TotalValue field for every client in the CustomerID footer of the R_Orders report. Insert one more text box to calculate the total number of the orders placed by every client. Save the report.


Show the page Header and page Footer of the open form. Save the form.


Remove the indexes from the CustomerID and OrderDate fields of the Orders table. Save and close the table.


Insert a new index named NewIndex that will allow entering duplicates in the CustomerID field of the Orders table. Save and close the table.


Delete the subreport from the Customers report.


Modify the Personel_q query so that it displays the employee in the first field and his/her manager in the second field of the query. Save and close the query.


Set the display control as combo box in the ItemCode field of the Orders table. Make sure the Row Source Type property is set to Table/Query and the data are derived from the Products table, the column count is 2 and the column heads are displayed. Save and close the table.


Set the display control of the ItemCode field in the Orders table as combo box, and the Row Source Type property to Table/Query. Derive data for the Code and Description fields from the Products table and apply sorting by Description in ascending order. Make sure the first column (Code field) is not displayed, the count column is 2, the column headers are not displayed and there is a limit to the list. Save and close the table.


Create a new query named del1 that deletes all records from the Products table. Run the query.


Create a new query named del2 that deletes all records where the Price field value is equal or less than 100 from the Products table. Run the query.


Create a new query named update2 that will locate all records where the Description field value of the Products table contains the word VIPER and update the Price field with Price * 1.1

Run the query only once.


Modify the GreaterThan query to prompt the user to enter a number displaying the message Enter minimum value when it is executed. Make sure the result contains only products where the Price field value is greater than or equal to the value that the user has previously entered. Save the query.


Insert a new text box in the Detail section of the ProductsPhoto form that will calculate the size of the uncompressed photo in kB and will display it in standard format with 2 decimal places. To find the photo size in bytes use the Height*Width*3 formula.


In the Customers form insert a check box that will be bound to the NewCustomer field. Enable the triple state property. Set the value Null to the Costas Goutoudis customer entry. Save the record.


Apply the appropriate settings to the DateOfOrder field of the Orders table to allow entering dates greater than 01/01/2004 only. If the user attempts to enter other dates, the system will display message with the text Wrong date

Save the table.


Modify the r_orders3 query to display only 10% of the records. Save the changes.


Insert in a new table, named NewProducts, all products from the NewProducts book stored in the IL-ates\Excel folder of your desktop.

Set the ID field as primary key.


There is a combo box named Category in the Customers form. Insert a fourth option named Wholesale-Export Price

Save the changes.


Modify the Students form to allow entering phone numbers (Telephones table) and exam dates (Exams table). For the selection of the Course use a combo box.


If the necessary fields are too many, what is the most suitable structure to use in a database?