Apply conditional formatting in the cell range C2:C21. Format the teams which have received up to 30 points with red font and the teams which have received 31 or more points with blue font.


Apply Colorful 2 automatic format in the cell range Â4:Ê9.


Format the cell range B6:E9 so that numbers are displayed with a thousand separator, one decimal place, a space and followed by the word Drachmas.


Format the cell range A1:A10 so that the date is displayed as follows: day written in full, a space, month written in full, a space, year in 4 digits, a division slash (/), the day of the month in two digits.


Format, automatically, the cell range A1:A100 to display numbers with two decimal spaces and a thousand separator, if they are higher than zero. If they are less than zero, numbers will be displayed with three decimal places and a thousand separator in red font color. If they are zero, the word Zero will be displayed in green font color.

Use custom number formatting.


Format, automatically, the cell range A1:A100 so that if numbers are less than or equal to zero, they are displayed in blue bold italics font. If they vary between 0 and 250, cells will be displayed in yellow shading. If numbers are greater than 250, cells will be displayed in blue shading with yellow bold font.


Perform the actions required on the active worksheet to change the formulas in the cell range D5:D24 to values.


Apply the appropriate format on the column C to color cells in yellow background if the first letter is greater than the letter m. When the first letter is less than m, respective cells will be colored in blue background color.


Apply the following number format on Quantities: if the entry is zero, the respective cell will display the word Zero. If the entry is greater than zero, the cell will display the word plus, a space and a five digits number. E.g. 6 will be displayed as plus 00006. If the entry is less than zero, the cell will display the word minus, a space and a five digits number. E.g. -6 will be displayed as minus 00006.


Apply a fill color of your choice on the cells depended by the cell D10.


Apply fill color of your choice on all the precedents of cell D27.


Copy the full names of the clients to the cell range F2:F201 without copying the functions.