Save the active workbook, in MS Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 type, as mybook97.xls in the IL-ates\LO_Calc folder to your desktop.


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Insert the following data on the active spreadsheet:

cell A1: 10

cell A2: 100

cell A3: 333

cell B1: kostas

cell B2: stelios

cell B3: despina


Select the columns C, D, E, F and H.


Copy the cell range A2:B8 and paste it to the cell range A1:B7 of the first worksheet of a new spreadsheet that you will create.


Select the cell range A1:B10.


Rename the Sheet3 worksheet to SheetFor2004


Enter a function in cell A1 that counts non blank cells for the cell range A3:A15000.

Also, enter a function in cell C116 that returns the number of cells displaying a numerical content for the cell range C3:C110 and another function to return non blank cells for the same cell range in cell C117.


Enter a function that returns in cell E116 the minimum cost for the cell range E3:E110 and another function that returns in cell E117 the maximum cost for the same cell range.


Insert the appropriate function in cell E1, so that if the value in cell A1 is higher than the value in cell B1, the function will return the value of cell C1, and if not, the function will return the value of cell D1. Reproduce this function up to cell E10.


Automatically fill in the cell range A2:A1000 using the text appearing in cell A1.


Format the cell range C22:J22 so that the numbers are displayed with a thousand separator, without decimal places and without leading zeroes. If there are negative numbers, they should be displayed in red color without negative sign.


Apply the following formatting to the active worksheet:

Cell A1: Font: Arial, Size: 22,

Cell A2: Font: Times New Roman, Size: 20,

Cell A3: Font: Arial, Size: 10,

Cell A4: Font: Times New Roman, Size: 14.


Copy the formatting of the cell range A1:E5 and paste it to the cell range G1:Ê5


Copy the active chart to the SALES worksheet.


Delete the active chart.


Increase the width of the chart area and decrease the height of it in dimensions of your choice.


Print the active worksheet in two copies.


Insert your birthday date in cell Á1. Insert a function in cell A2 that always displays the current date. Insert a function in cell A3 that displays the number of the days you have lived. Format cell Á3 in Number category with a thousand separator, one leading zero and without decimal places.


Move the active image so that the top left corner is in cell D7.


Use the appropriate function in cell G12 to calculate the average of the values displayed in the cell range G5:G10.


Navigate to cell J4 and use the appropriate function to display the maximum value of the cell range F5:F10.


Change the font color of the legend to red and its size to 12.


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Click on the appropriate point of the photo to display the print preview of the worksheet already opened.


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